
    Zion Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning & Demolition


    Nuclear Decommissioning
    Demolition, Remediation and Abatement


    Specialty Contractor


    Energy Solutions


    Zion, IL

The Zion Nuclear Power Plant, located on the shores of Lake Michigan in Zion, Illinois, serving the city of Chicago for many years, operated from 1973 to 1997 and was permanently shut down in 1998 by the plant’s operator. Manafort Brothers, Inc. completed this successful decommissioning in 2020 working for Energy Solutions as part of one of the largest commercial nuclear plant dismantling completed in the United States.


Manafort’s scope included demolition of all structures, removal of hazardous materials, asbestos abatement, radioactive commodities removal, utility relocations, disconnections and removals, soil remediation, backfill and site grading.


The list of the major decommissioned structures included: Containment Buildings Unit 1 & Unit 2 pre-open air demolition and removals | Containment Buildings Unit 1 & 2 structural demolition |  Spent Fuel Building pre-open air demolition and removals | Spent Fuel Building Demolition | Auxiliary Building pre-open air demolition and removals | Auxiliary Building Demolition | Forebay Demolition | Waste Water Treatment Building Demolition | Waste operations for the entire site | Various Maintenance, Office, Equipment, Warehouse and Yard Structures Demolition | Removal of all underground utilities | Removal of rail spurs.


Manafort drew upon its extensive demolition and construction experience as well as its own previously developed methodologies to decontaminate and demolish these structures safely and successfully. Manafort performed all the work with its specialty equipment fleet within the decommissioning scope through diligent planning and execution in close coordination with Energy Solutions. Manafort safely and successfully performed all work on time within the three-year schedule and on budget through meticulous planning and execution in close coordination with Energy Solutions.