The CTDOT – Design / Build Removal and Replacement of Bridges 03761, 03762, 03764, and 03765 along RT 8 in Bridgeport, CT was the first Design / Build Project performed for The Connecticut Department of Transportation.  This Accelerated Bridge Construction Project consisted of the demolition of 16 bridge spans and the design and construction of 10 new replacement bridge spans.  The work included demolition of the existing bridges, new bridge superstructures, bridge substructure repairs and modifications, cast in place concrete walls, earthwork, and roadway construction.

All work was performed using Accelerated Construction Techniques.  Manafort collaborated with it’s Design / Build Partner WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff to develop a detailed design that supported these Accelerated Construction Techniques most notably including onsite prefabrication of the bridge superstructure units.  The bridge superstructure demolition, reconstruction, over 30,000 cy of roadway and structural fill, and highway approach work was all completed ahead of schedule, four days less than the two, 14 day shutdown periods allowed by CTDOT.  Through detailed planning, prefabrication, scheduling, and coordination, it is estimated that Manafort completed two construction seasons worth of work during these two 14 day shutdown periods. 

The project was completed under budget, ahead of schedule, and was the recipient of a number of regional and national industry awards. Manafort served as The Design / Build Prime Contractor for the project and self-performed a majority of the work including demolition, excavation, cast in place concrete, onsite prefabrication of bridge superstructure units, road and highway work. 


The Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Plant in Wiscasset, Maine was the first Nuclear Power Generating Facility in the United States to be decommissioned and demolished. Manafort completed this successful decommissioning and demolition in 2006 working directly for the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. The Plant was a 920 MW Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) with attendant equipment and facilities. The Plant was commissioned in the mid 1970’s and operated until it shut down in the mid 1990’s due to the discovery of cracks in the plants steam generator tubes. Manafort’s scope of work included decommissioning, commodity removal, and demolition the following structures:

Circulation Water House • Turbine Pedestal • Turbine Building • Containment Structure
Containment Structure Polar Crane • Steam & Valve House • Spray Building
Service Building • Control Room • Transformer • Demineralized Water Storage Tank
Reactor Water Storage Tank • Generator • Met Tower  • Information Center • Various Warehouses

Being the first removal of it’s kind, Manafort was challenged to creatively develop safe and successful methodologies to decommission and demolish these structures. Manafort drew upon its extensive demolition and construction experience along with a team of industry experts to do so. Examples of our creative solutions to the project challenges included:

• The use of explosives to percussively weaken the heavily reinforce concrete Turbine Pedestal to allow demolition with the use of large Excavators and Hydraulic Hammers.
• The use of explosives to implode the Turbine Building to allow safer demolition at grade.
• The use of large cranes and pick plans to dismantle transmission towers.
• The use of explosives to safely lower the Containment Structure Polar Crane to allow safer demolition at grade.
• The highly creative use of selective structure weakening and explosives to demolish the Containment Structure.

Manafort safely and successfully self performed all work on time and within budget through meticulous planning and execution in close coordination with the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company.


The Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant in Haddam Neck, Connecticut was one of the first Nuclear Power Generating Facilities in the United States to be decommissioned and demolished. Manafort completed this successful decommissioning in 2007 working directly for the Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company. The Plant was a 619 MW Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) with attendant equipment and facilities.

The Plant was commissioned in 1968 and operated until it shut down in 1996 for economic reasons. Manafort’s scope of work included , commodity removal, contaminated groundwater management, approximately 30,000 CY of contaminated soil removal and packaging, and the decontamination and demolition the following structures to License Termination: Diesel Generator Building Administration Building • Turbine Pedestal & Building Control Building for Septic • Power & Telephone Duct Banks Boiler Building • Waste Disposal Building Primary Auxiliary Building • Chemical Storage Warehouse Demineralized Water Storage Tank • Reactor Water Storage Tank Station Transformer • Intake Structure Discharge Structure • Reactor Containment Building Containment Building Polar Crane • Spent Fuel Building Information Center Building Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Room Septic System • Auxiliary Boiler Stack Structure 345 KV Towers Switchgear Building Service Building • Circulating & Service Water Piping Landfill Cleanup • Various Warehouses, Office & Yard Buildings.

Being one of the first decommissionings of it’s kind, Manafort was challenged to creatively develop safe and successful methodologies to decontaminate and demolish these structures. Manafort drew upon its extensive demolition and construction experience along with a team of industry experts to do so. Manafort safely and successfully self performed all work within the three year allotted schedule and within budget through meticulous planning and execution in close coordination with the Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company.


The New Britain to Hartford Busway Station Project was the initial contract awarded as part of the $500M CT fastrak Project. The project included the construction of a new Bus Station Facility including all site development, site infrastructure, an architectural pedestrian canopy, station supervisor building, demolition of an old multi-span freight railroad bridge, construction of a new 640 ft long dedicated busway bridge over RT 9, highway offramp widening, and intersection reconstruction.

Manafort went on to also be awarded two more bridge reconstruction projects, the Flatbush Avenue on ramp Viaduct and the Broad Street Bridges in Hartford, bringing Manafort’s total involvement in the CT fastrak Project to over $54M. All work was completed on time and on budget. Manafort served as Prime Contractor for the project and also self-performed excavation, cast-in-place concrete foundation, demolition, bridge, infrastructure, road, and highway work.