Norwich State Hospital Complex Decommissioning & Demolition
Demolition, Remediation & Abatement
Civil & Utility
Alternative Project Delivery -
Prime Contractor
Preston Redevelopment Agency
Preston, CT
Originally built in 1904, the Norwich State Hospital grew over the decades to a 400 acre campus and amassed close to 60 structures before the State of Connecticut officially closed its doors in 1996. In 2009, the state sold the property to the Town of Preston to make way for the future development called the Preston River Walk. In 2010, Manafort Brothers, Inc. entered into a partnership agreement with the Town of Preston Redevelopment Agency (PRA) to facilitate the clean up of the property, which included abatement, demolition, and remediation of over 50 buildings, some four and five stories and over 200,000sf in size, connecting underground tunnel systems and PCB contaminated soils and building components. All told, Manafort successfully removed and abated approximately 1.4 million square feet of buildings under our agreement.

In addition to the abatement and demolition of the existing campus structures, Manafort’s scope was expanded to also include excavation and relocation of impacted soils throughout the site. During the facility’s 90+ years in operation, the base material used for their roads and travel-ways throughout the campus was predominantly coal ash from the facility’s on-site boiler and heating plants. Before beginning construction of their newly proposed Riverwalk complex, over 90,000cy of asphalt and associated bedding material throughout over 20 “Areas of Concern” needed to be excavated to varying depths and placed into two (2) large Consolidation Areas then capped with clean fill. At the time of completion, Manafort will have excavated, hauled, and capped over 200,000cy of impacted and clean material. Manafort worked hand-in-hand with the PRA and their environmental monitoring and engineering firm Tighe & Bond to successfully complete all remediation activities.
All work was performed successfully on-time and on-budget, in partnership with PRA and project stakeholders.